Comfort for humans and eco-compatibility
Emmedue: Green Culture for a Future to Build 

Buildings are huge energy consumers; greater waste comes from its heating and cooling. Energy efficiency is the answer to reduce rising energy costs and CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Emmedue, with its Advanced Building System, reduces CO2 emissions: 

  • · Up to 40%* less in the building phase
  • · Up to 65%* less during the use of the building

*The data shown is taken from reports of the “PEP – Promotion of European Passive Houses – Energy Saving Potential”.

The purest energy is that which is not consumed.

Good thermal insulation can halve energy consumption and pollution caused by the heating and/or cooling of buildings. The use of Emmedue® panels results in the construction of less energy-guzzling buildings, ensuring higher levels of energy efficiency, savings of up to 80% of energy throughout the life span of the structure.

The Emmedue Advanced Building System provides a significant improvement in the thermal comfort inside the buildings, drastically limiting the energy consumption and favoring strategies aimed at sustainable development. The Emmedue® Building System produces approximately 60% less CO2 emissions compared to a traditional building made of reinforced concrete and masonry facing.